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What musical instrument would you have liked to have been good at?


Ivor Allchurch
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Toss up between bass guitar and drums for me.

Always admired those that play the flute, clarinet, saxophone and violin.
I was assigned the triangle in the school orchestra, but I never quite mastered it.
Cooperman said:
I was assigned the triangle in the school orchestra, but I never quite mastered it.

I remember the Bermuda orchestra had to cancel a tour once because the triangle player disappeared.
Piano for me. My mate is a fabulous player and can just play along with anything. Especially jazz. 😁
Cooperman said:
I was assigned the triangle in the school orchestra, but I never quite mastered it.
You've only got to hit it once at the end, mind you it's all about timing I suppose.🙂👍
I always fancied the Sax as it goes, but didn't have the patience to do all that practise,more to the point I'm tone deaf, so that doesn't help.
But during lockdown and being a bit bored I jumped onto the interweb and ordered myself a nice little harmonica, to while away a few hours, days and months even. Fvck me it's harder than in looks, I mean they make it look so easy on YouTube. Needless to say I persevered for a week, and then gave up, it's been in the box ever since, probably never see the light of day again.🤷‍♂️
I tried the harmonica, watched videos on YouTube, gave it away to a 5 year old 🤣😂
Even though I am a guitarist / keyboard player, I have always wanted to play drums.
Guitar for me. I played keyboards in bands for more than 20 years before moving on to other musical activities and could play a little flute and bass a very long time ago (but probably couldn't now). I'm definitely no drummer but I did stand in for 2 gigs on drums for a covers band that I'd been in when I was still in school when their drummer was taken ill about 50 years ago (and just about got away with it!) but although I could always strum a few chords on an acoustic guitar, I could never play one and I regret not persisting as the opportunities were always there as I spent countless hours over a 20 year period in rooms with several guitars in them. 😕🎹🎶
Bought a saxophone after seeing Richie Cannata play one. The only note I could play is a bum one.
I think every band should have a sax player.

After that it's piano. Everyone loves joining in a sing song around a piano. Great way of meeting the opposite sex.
Found one for you.



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