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Alan Waddle
Jun 28, 2020
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Stop the change of speed limits to 20mph on 17th September.


20mph near schools is correct, blanket pretty much everywhere is sheer lunacy.
stevethejack said:

20mph near schools is correct, blanket pretty much everywhere is sheer lunacy.

That's pretty much how I see it. Any road that needs to be 20 MPH should be considered but not a blanket rule. Imagine everyone driving at 10 - 15 mph just in case they went over the limit. Driving through my village at less than 20 is a struggle with the car and if I try and put cruise control on it tells me too slow.
Signed, like a lot of people 20mph around schools is absolutely correct . Everywhere else it's sheer madness, there will be thousands of motorists with clean driving licences probably for decades picking up speeding fines and points on their licences. It's completely unnecessary.
stevethejack said:

20mph near schools is correct, blanket pretty much everywhere is sheer lunacy.

With drakeford at the helm, I expected nothing less, and believe me if they get this through, well!!! Hold onto your horses, it will be like the 12 monkeys in Wales.

Dystopian nightmare they say? Yes it was plain to see, I mean what kind of utter git, would enforce MPPU, just on the brink of covid, and then just for the punchline, give all the extra profit to the retailers. Wow.

What other masterpiece are these fools going to come up with? Lose weight, yep double the price on Mcdonalds and Burger King, Greggs.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
8000 now. The anti Brexit one got millions and still no one cared.
exiledclaseboy said:
8000 now. The anti Brexit one got millions and still no one cared.

To be fair, nobody over the age of 20 in full time employment takes any notice of these petitions, do they?

But at least they get to type ‘signed’ on social media and feel like they’re fighting for change. Vivè le revolution, or something.
Neath_Jack said:
To be fair, nobody over the age of 20 in full time employment takes any notice of these petitions, do they?

But at least they get to type ‘signed’ on social media and feel like they’re fighting for change. Vivè le revolution, or something.

What happens in practice is that some junior civil servant drafts a couple of paragraphs as the initial published response. If it gets to the required amount, a committee of backbenchers discusses it for a few minutes and occasionally decides that there’ll be a debate. If there’s a debate it lasts an hour max, hardly anyone turns up, there’s no vote and no one takes any notice. These things have never changed anything, they’re a gimmick designed to give the impression to people that they’re doing something constructive with a couple of clicks. And of course they can tell their online chums how strongly they feel without actually doing anything about it.

I’d have had more sympathy for this one if they’d bothered to come up with a half decent reasoning other than “wah wah this is undemocratic and no one voted for it”. Which is a little bit pathetic.
Pffft. We'll have a moan and groan, it'll get done, and then we'll forget all about it. It's the way we roll. Anyway, there's always another sh!t storm around the corner.
Just smile and wave, smile and wave.
BTW, as disgruntled as we might be, it may just save one of our loved ones lives, who knows, what price on that, aye.
exiledclaseboy said:
What happens in practice is that some junior civil servant drafts a couple of paragraphs as the initial published response. If it gets to the required amount, a committee of backbenchers discusses it for a few minutes and occasionally decides that there’ll be a debate. If there’s a debate it lasts an hour max, hardly anyone turns up, there’s no vote and no one takes any notice. These things have never changed anything, they’re a gimmick designed to give the impression to people that they’re doing something constructive with a couple of clicks. And of course they can tell their online chums how strongly they feel without actually doing anything about it.

I’d have had more sympathy for this one if they’d bothered to come up with a half decent reasoning other than “wah wah this is undemocratic and no one voted for it”. Which is a little bit pathetic.

Power to the people!

Where's Wolfie still adding more tattoos to his humungous collection :lol:

Signed, The Fight Goes On :lol:

This might give an insight on what is coming.

The more people moan is a good thing.

Politicians need to learn they are actually accountable. My local councillor is Conservative but if he were Labour (because the incumbent is a man) I would be telling him I would not be voting for the Party in Wales at local council and assembly level.

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