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Rwanda Plan Ruled Unlawful

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Ivor Allchurch
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score
Wedmore, Somerset
Common sense prevails

It was the plan all along. Now they can blame leftie woke judges for its failure despite the fact that it was always blindingly obvious that it wasn’t just a stupid idea but also illegal. Just another front in the ongoing Tory led culture war.
exiledclaseboy said:
It was the plan all along. Now they can blame leftie woke judges for its failure despite the fact that it was always blindingly obvious that it wasn’t just a stupid idea but also illegal. Just another front in the ongoing Tory led culture war.

Yes, I agree it was probably the plan but it's still reassuring that our legal system came to the correct conclusions.
Is Sunak really going to commit hari-kari over this?
exiledclaseboy said:
It was the plan all along. Now they can blame leftie woke judges for its failure despite the fact that it was always blindingly obvious that it wasn’t just a stupid idea but also illegal. Just another front in the ongoing Tory led culture war.

But the pint-sized moron says he's going to legislate and go ahead. Yet more proof that an expensive education does not equate to intelligence.
exiledclaseboy said:
It was the plan all along. Now they can blame leftie woke judges for its failure despite the fact that it was always blindingly obvious that it wasn’t just a stupid idea but also illegal. Just another front in the ongoing Tory led culture war.

They should send the Sunak and his mob including their supporters to Rwanda and dump them all there, he's gonna attempt to change the law to send them there now or somin like that.
Looks like the details of the Supreme Court ruling are suggesting that it was Rwanda that was the problem rather than the principle of the scheme as their research had determined that Rwanda was not a suitable partner for the scheme so if suitable alternative partner with a better human rights record can be found, it's not impossible that the scheme could be resurrected. Fortunately, it would take a long time to find a suitable partner and negotiate a reciprocal agreement by which time the Tories may only have fewer than 100 MPs in Parliament. Meanwhile, we've wasted £140 million on this which could have been used to repair schools and start to tackle homelessness for example.
karnataka said:
Looks like the details of the Supreme Court ruling are suggesting that it was Rwanda that was the problem rather than the principle of the scheme as their research had determined that Rwanda was not a suitable partner for the scheme so if suitable alternative partner with a better human rights record can be found, it's not impossible that the scheme could be resurrected. Fortunately, it would take a long time to find a suitable partner and negotiate a reciprocal agreement by which time the Tories may only have fewer than 100 MPs in Parliament. Meanwhile, we've wasted £140 million on this which could have been used to repair schools and start to tackle homelessness for example.

An immigration plan from day one could maybe have avoided this complete fukup, If it had been France this issue would have been dealt with at the very start, Blair and Bush are complicit it all this by disabling the middle east with their desire to remove Hussain, both should have been in the Hague on charges.
karnataka said:
Looks like the details of the Supreme Court ruling are suggesting that it was Rwanda that was the problem rather than the principle of the scheme as their research had determined that Rwanda was not a suitable partner for the scheme so if suitable alternative partner with a better human rights record can be found, it's not impossible that the scheme could be resurrected. Fortunately, it would take a long time to find a suitable partner and negotiate a reciprocal agreement by which time the Tories may only have fewer than 100 MPs in Parliament. Meanwhile, we've wasted £140 million on this which could have been used to repair schools and start to tackle homelessness for example.

Their new plan is to pass a law through the House of Commons saying that Rwanda is safe. This ignores the highest court in the land which has declared it unsafe having looked at countless documents and evidence on the matter. It’s like passing a law that says grass is blue and the sky is green because we say so. Researched facts are no longer relevant to the debate.
They seem to think that getting a few people on a flight to Rwanda at staggering cost to the taxpayer will somehow win them the next election and they’ll happily break the law of the land to do so. 30p Lee tweeted yesterday that they should just ignore everything and get people on flights asap. Party of law and order my arse.

They really are scum.
Interesting to note that the UK government has spent more on this to date than the WG spent on the M4 relief road. I'm sure those who roasted Drakeford for that are all over this...
Meanwhile, I am glad to confirm that, a few minutes ago, the Spanish parliament has voted to return Pedro Sanchez of the Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) as President and head of government for another four years. The vote was 179 to 171. He did it by cobbling together a coalition of minority hard left and nationalist parties to support the PSOE, thereby defeating the Spanish Tories (PP) and Francoists, i.e. fascist arseh*les.
If you want a UK parallel, it would be like Starmer putting together a coalition of Labour, Lib Dems, SNP, Plaid and Sinn Fein to defeat the combined force of the Tories, Reform Party and the Northern Ireland unionist parties.
Feckin brilliant!
Is like to add what I know.
The cost of keeping them here, be it waiting for processing, waiting to be deported or simply being housed after getting in, is eyewatering. Seriously.
It makes 150m look like change.
We can't keep paying this amount of money. It's pushing billions.
So, a deterrent of being further away than you started needs considering.
Also, how is anything illegal when they drew first blood?
Swanabout said:
Is like to add what I know.
The cost of keeping them here, be it waiting for processing, waiting to be deported or simply being housed after getting in, is eyewatering. Seriously.
It makes 150m look like change.
We can't keep paying this amount of money. It's pushing billions.
So, a deterrent of being further away than you started needs considering.
Also, how is anything illegal when they drew first blood?

How about we speed up the asylum process instead then? I'll tell you why, because that would mean they and the gammons wouldn't have so much to moan over brown people then. How about we open a migration office in France? See previous reason.
One of the reasons for this sh1t situation on the “boats” is Libya

No one talks about Libya. That intervention has led to a failed State and open borders from Africa.

Together with the end of the Dublin Agreement (well done brexit supporters) we now have a massive backlog of asylum cases.

There should be safe routes that allow genuine refugees into the Country. If they’re not they should be deported.

This is not rocket science. But as a civilised Country we should work multilaterally to find a solution to this crisis.

But much of it has been stoked by stupid reactionary idiots who have shot themselves in the foot.

This is why we need a return to strong moderate leadership that understands the need for strong borders but has a brain.

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