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By-election results

  • Thread starter K23
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  • Replies: Replies 57
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I read somewhere that it wasn’t more people voting Labour it’s just that the Tory vote stayed home. Thick as mince some of these sheep like Tory voters.
MugfordsJack said:
Of course! And the Conservatives are soooooo good.

No, utter filth mate, always have been, Labour under Starmer are just a dumbed down version of the Torys, can't bring myself to vote Labour the direction Starmer has taken the party, clear enough for you...
Swanjaxs said:
No, utter filth mate, always have been, Labour under Starmer are just a dumbed down version of the Torys, can't bring myself to vote Labour the direction Starmer has taken the party, clear enough for you...

Don’t vote Labour, get the tories. Simple. The way our rancid electoral system works, it’s a binary choice. Hold your nose and do what you know is right. πŸ‘
exiledclaseboy said:
Don’t vote Labour, get the tories. Simple. The way our rancid electoral system works, it’s a binary choice. Hold your nose and do what you know is right. πŸ‘

Personally I've been losing patience with the direction Starmer has been leading the party for a while, but his sacking of Sam Tarry for standing with striking rail workers was the last straw,
Will I vote Labour at the next election, yes, probably, for the reasons you've highlighted my friend πŸ‘
I still think a very misunderstood and forgotten about part of the electorate is the pro euro moderate Tory. They’ve either stopped voting or are voting liberal or in some cases labour. The tory party are finished if they don’t bring them inside the tent very soon.
rockinj said:
I still think a very misunderstood and forgotten about part of the electorate is the pro euro moderate Tory. They’ve either stopped voting or are voting liberal or in some cases labour. The tory party are finished if they don’t bring them inside the tent very soon.

There’s no room for those people in the 2023 Conservative Party. And if they lose the election there’s only one way that party will go and it won’t be back towards the moderate centre ground. At least not for a decade or so.
Swanjaxs said:
Personally I've been losing patience with the direction Starmer has been leading the party for a while, but his sacking of Sam Tarry for standing with striking rail workers was the last straw,
Will I vote Labour at the next election, yes, probably, for the reasons you've highlighted my friend πŸ‘

I understand where you're coming from, there are a number of things in this current Labour Party that bother me but as far as I am concerned, getting this current shyte government out is the only priority at the moment and if they can be humiliated as well, then so much the better. Labour will have a hell of a job on their hands after this lot have absolutely trashed everything and made sure there is no money for the next government to mend everything in just a few years but I'm hopeful that they will do enough good to earn a 2nd term and then put PR front and centre with the possibility of never again having a government like the current charlatans.
rockinj said:
I still think a very misunderstood and forgotten about part of the electorate is the pro euro moderate Tory. They’ve either stopped voting or are voting liberal or in some cases labour. The tory party are finished if they don’t bring them inside the tent very soon.

Johnson made it clear that there was no future for Conservative MPs with those sentiments in his government in 2019.
People like Rory Stewart, who represented the one nation Tories were left with no option but to leave. The electorate who identified with them left as well and Starmer has occupied the centre ground vacated by the Tories' lurch to the right.
karnataka said:
I understand where you're coming from, there are a number of things in this current Labour Party that bother me but as far as I am concerned, getting this current shyte government out is the only priority at the moment and if they can be humiliated as well, then so much the better. Labour will have a hell of a job on their hands after this lot have absolutely trashed everything and made sure there is no money for the next government to mend everything in just a few years but I'm hopeful that they will do enough good to earn a 2nd term and then put PR front and centre with the possibility of never again having a government like the current charlatans.

I really think it will be out of the frying pan into the fire, with this current labour lot.
exiledclaseboy said:
There’s no room for those people in the 2023 Conservative Party. And if they lose the election there’s only one way that party will go and it won’t be back towards the moderate centre ground. At least not for a decade or so.

Precisely my point. Which means the end of the Tory party.

They make up a significant minority and are the majority of their traditional vote apart from in recent years the European question.
J_B said:
Johnson made it clear that there was no future for Conservative MPs with those sentiments in his government in 2019.
People like Rory Stewart, who represented the one nation Tories were left with no option but to leave. The electorate who identified with them left as well and Starmer has occupied the centre ground vacated by the Tories' lurch to the right.

True. It’s like corbynism taking hold and the likes of Yvette Cooper, Wes Streeting etc no longer welcome in labour. Crazy.
Need PR. The country has to make sure more peopleβ€˜s votes actually count for something. The electoral system is well past itβ€˜s sell by date. How can Parliament not reflect the actual votes cast in an election? Iβ€˜ve never voted Liberal so no hidden agenda!

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